Information events in Ioannina, Kastoria and Kozani.
Three information days organized by the Decentralized Administration of Epirus – Western Macedonia, in Ioannina, Kastoria and Kozani respectively, were successfully completed. These events were intended to inform the public and stakeholders about the actions and progress achieved in the context of the implementation of the LIFE ATIAS project “Addressing the threat of alien species in Northern Greece, using early warning and information systems for mammals”.
Representatives from protected areas management authorities (NECCA), Forest services and Forest Directorates, Aristotle university of Thessaloniki, Decentralized Administration of Epirus – Western Macedonia and Macedonia – Thrace,Hunting Federation of Macedonia – Thrace, Company “Homeotech”, and also various related organizations attended the event.
In Ioannina, Monday 27th of November, 2023 and in Kastoria on November 28, 2023 the info days started with speeches from Dr. Charalambos Thomas, Ms. Eleni Loukaki-Gountara, Dr. Alexandra Stefanidou, Ms. Chalinidou Ioanna, Mr. Mountzias Antonios and Mr. Tsimplinas Dimitris. The speeches focused on the analysis of management means and addressing the threats from invasive alien species, especially the American mink.
In Kozani, November 29th, 2023, the info day started with the introductory speech of professor D. Bakaloudis from the school of Forestry and Natural Environment of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and was followed by speeches by Dr. Charalambos Thomas, Ms. Eleni Loukaki-Gountara, Mr. Gitas Ioannis, Ms. Chalinidou Ioanna, Mr. Mountzias Antonios and Mr. Kyriakos Skordas, on the LIFE ATIAS actions and project results.